How to Keep Safe and Healthy on Safari in Kenya
How to Keep Safe and Healthy on Safari in Kenya
How to Keep Safe and Healthy on Safari in Kenya: There are 6 tips, travelers should read below and follow the rules being given in order to keep safe and healthy on your safari in Kenya.
As the whole world is still going through the pandemic of ‘’COVID-19’’ and travel changing dramatically. There are various rules the governments have changed on travel warnings to restrict travel during this time.
To understand more on how this may solve cover under your policy, please to try to visit to our FAQs and select your country of residence. Get to know about the travel warnings given and alerts around the world, read about lockdowns and border restrictions.
And to any recognized protected areas, you will have to find their expert guides, who will share the basic rules of safety on a wildlife safari in Kenya. On your visit to Kenya safari our safety expert will share more about the basic rules;
Find out why you should always listen to your guide and how to keep healthy.
Note, watching big game in Africa is a worth travel adventure, surrounded by wide open landscapes, dangerous animals and the continent’s raw beauty and its history. On your Kenya safaris you will get excited once you watch your first lion or elephant. However, to any destination you can go for visit in sub-Saharan Africa, there are rules and regulations you must follow while in the bush. For this matter, if you want to make this an enjoyable and admirable experience, you will need to follow them assertively and don’t get worried, if you don’t get to see the big five. (How to Keep Safe and Healthy on Safari in Kenya)
1. The dangers of safari life
Note, it doesn’t mean that when you pay for a safari animal must get acut of the profit, just know they are wild animals. Let us assure you, most rangers will see you get eaten by the cats before even they kill one of their beloved animals.
Here are some basic rules to follow on your Kenya safaris destination;
You should keep your voice down, so that you can’t make animals scared, in order you don’t go missing a pride of lions because you’re chatting too loudly.
Always keep safe in the van, truck or 4WD-Africa wilderness are not zoos and animals will eat you, if you don’t follow the rules. There have been various terrible cases of people getting out to try to get perfect photo shooting. It always ends badly.
Never turn your back-this could be done by the brave souls who undertake a walking safari ‘’one of the most excitement in Africa’. The only animals that turns and runs in Africa is prey like lions will chase you.
Be attentive to your guides; it’s good to listen to your guide and follow the rules he guides with, not every situation will be safe for you. If your safari guide advises you to move on or back way, then just do so for your life protection.
2. Infections
Remember, wilderness is full of infected insects which can cause you in contact with all sorts of nasty infections like malaria, sleeping sickness and dysentery which is one of a few of the diseases you can pick up. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date and follow these precautions against insect bites;
Put insect repellant on exposed skin day and night
Wear long sleeved fitting white clothing
Sleep under treated nets.
3. Charge your devices
This would have been good for you to consider first your devices before travelling to Africa, buy a digitalized camera and make sure it is well charged before you venture out. In case it is a battery operated camera, you will need to carry some extra batteries. Please note, Africa is a nature of dream photographers. There is a reason why National Geographic has made an industry out to bring you images from its sun-drenched plains, rivers and unforgiving jungles.
Safaris can be a subject of your most unforgettable experiences. Lions, rhinos, giraffes and elephants, the wildebeest migration. You shouldn’t miss that fibrous shot because your battery has died.
But in saying so, don’t let your whole trip be watched through the viewfinder of your new Canon.
4. How to See wildlife safely on Kenya safaris?
Your idea to see them all might not happen, but disappointment is a word some travelers come away with when they get back from a safari. We suggest if you want to see every animal within an hour, buy a ticket to the zoo which is much cheaper and easy to see them.
Preserved national parks don’t have fences, so they are sweeping plains where animals roam free. If you decide to travel to East Africa ‘’Kenya and Tanzania they have got fences. Man and beast live side by side.
This doesn’t mean seeing a lion, hyenas, elephants, leopard and cheetahs is always possible.
Here are some ways you can increase your chances;
Go with a knowledgeable guide, someone who knows the movement of the animas, terrain and the best areas for watching animals.
Don’t expect to view everything in one Safari-You can spend a month while in the African bush and still watch new animals each time you go over.
Pick your time of year to travel to African safaris, if you have limited time. We recommend to you to always go when the grass is short thus offering clear viewing of animals around. But in saying that, animals don’t have the same timetable as we.
Keep your eyes out, to some people tend to wait for the animals to come to them. They aren’t paid performers, so search yourself. Few trips which can be done by you, your eyes will become sharp and you will be able spot game everywhere.
Listen. You cannot be the only one on the animal viewing. There are also smaller, less aggressive creatures watching their backs. Bird Life, animal’s noises and strange silence can all mean a lion is lurking closer.
Guides will always have suggestions, on where to look for the animals in the park. Like lions are shade lovers and leopards tree lovers, so don’t expect them to just walk into the middle of the road.
Africa is a blessed continent with preserve nature environment; you are just a traveler –the myths about a wide playground full of wild animals are absolutely all true.
Always remember that safari doesn’t mean animal watching, it literally means journey-so take in your surroundings. The natural environment is just as important as the creatures that fill it.
5.Safety while Camping on safari in Kenya
One of the great impressive experiences of being on safari is sleeping under the Africa’s bright stars. Most tourists go straight to the luxury lodges, not knowing that they miss out the real experience.
Pitching a tent with well-organized company is awesome, most especially to those who want to feel the African ground.
Falling asleep to the bark of roar lions, the footsteps of a closer hyena or the grunt of a hippo can be more inspiring.
But do not be fooled, along with the joys there are dangers.
Your guides will guide you through each little rule;
Zip up your tent
Don’t take food to your tent
Don’t walk about at night.
You might think these rules are a little bit over the top, then just wait until you see the footprints around your tent the next morning. You will realize why they were in the place.
6.Beware of Baboons
Travel Africa and get to watch out one of its biggest pests –the baboon. These fellows can be found at most of tourists places in Africa, they also know that travelers on their visit take food for them and aren’t usually up for a fight.
Secure all your food and belongings.
Wind up windows in cars and trucks
Don’t take food into your tent or room.
Baboons and other monkey’s buddies are crafty and usually smarter than us, if you want to see your new camera and a sandwich disappear, just try leave them out. They will be stolen immediately.
What you can expect more on your visit to Kenya
Since we all know that we are still undergoing the epidemic of COVID-19, keeping safe is the key point on every travel made worldwide. These are the basics required as follows;
Face masks required for travelers in public areas
Face masks required for guides in public areas
Face masks provided for travelers
Lastly, if you want to get into a fight against the animals. Baboons with film out for you with their giant teeth and will leave a scar behind. Better to just let them have it but assert yourself aside so they don’t try it again.