Which season is ideal for visiting Ruma National Park?

Which season is ideal for visiting Ruma National Park?

Which season is ideal for visiting Ruma National Park? : In Kenya, Ruma National Park is well recognised for housing uncommon and unusual Roan antelopes. In fact, this is the only national park in all of Kenya where these antelopes may be found. Since it was established as a national park to save these antelopes, the area has also been home to the introduction of other wildlife species. The views of the critically endangered blue swallow, which continues to migrate through Ruma National Park and into portions of Northern Tanzania, make the location so gratifying.

Roan antelopes are a unique species that are only found in Ruma National Park in Kenya and cannot be seen anywhere else on the continent of Africa, as I have already mentioned. In addition, there are other kinds of animals besides Roan antelopes that can be found in Ruma National Park, such as black rhinos, Jackson’s hartebeests, Johor reedbucks, buffaloes, and, if you’re lucky, lions and leopards. This is because they are shy and aren’t often seen, but you might also see lions and leopards on your lucky safari in Ruma National Park.

With Kenya safari tours you can visit the Ruma National Park whenever you like, but there is always the best time to go when the park is clearly visible or when it is teeming with wildlife. This is known as the dry season or the drier months, which run from June to October and then from December to February. You can visit the park, but there is a greater likelihood that the weather will prevent you from going on a safari. Also keep in mind that the optimal period for the mass migration of wildebeest animals from Tanzania’s Serengeti to Kenya’s Masai Mara National Park along the Mara River is during the dry season.

However, due to migratory and breeding bird activity during the wet season, the park is renowned among birders as the greatest place to go birding. The greatest months for birding safaris are between April and November because the Ruma National Park is home to over 1100 different species of birds.

Additionally, bird-watching in Ruma National Park may be done all year long, although it is advised to start your safaris there around the beginning of September through April when the majority of the birds are nesting and laying eggs. The greatest reserves for seeing animals are Amboseli National Park and Masai Mara National Reserve, especially during the dry season.

Which season is ideal for visiting Ruma National Park?
Roan antelopes

Ruma National Park weather
Ruma National Park’s weather is the same as that of other Kenya safari locations. The equator passes through Kenya, giving it a tropical climate with wide temperature changes caused by several sources. In Kenya, the daytime highs range from 29 to 28 degrees Celsius, though it can occasionally become much warmer towards the coast. In Kenya, there are two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, so to know which season is ideal for visiting ruma national park?, we are going to break them down as follows.

June to October dry season in Kenya
The majority of high-altitude locations, like Masai Mara, typically see daily highs of 23 degrees Celsius during the dry season, whereas low-lying areas, particularly those along the coast, typically experience 28 degrees Celsius. The sky can be exceptionally clear and sunny throughout the dry season, especially during the day.

The coldest mornings, especially early in the morning, occur in June, July, August, September, and October, when temperatures in higher altitudes rise to 10 degrees Celsius. During these months, visitors should wear warm clothing, especially in the morning when leaving the lodge to go on game drive safaris. Although it is unlikely to rain during this game drive, it is possible because the weather is quite variable.

November to May – wet season in Kenya
In Kenya, during the wet season, high elevation locations see temperature changes of 24 to 27 degrees Celsius, whereas low land areas experience no change and fluctuate around 30 degrees Celsius. It is recommended that visitors bring warm clothing with them for game drives, especially early in the morning and late at night.

It is difficult to forecast the weather throughout the months of November and December because they might either be dry or rainy. You should be careful since there are instances when it rains strongly in the late afternoon or evening, which could negatively affect your safari.

January to February in Kenya
Kenya receives little rain where this is concerned.

March April and may weather in Kenya
Long rainy spells and a lot of cloudiness are characteristics of these times of year, notably in the highlands of the Laikipia Plateau and the Aberdare National Park. Humidity, which is most noticeable in the coastal regions, has a large role in defining the climate.

How to get there
When you arrive at the Jomo Kenyatta international airport in the southern part of Nairobi, the directions can be easily delivered. However, the majority of the regularly scheduled flights can be booked through the Wilson airport. You can alternatively land at Moi International Airport or Wilson International Airport. These can be reserved with the assistance of the tour operators, and after landing, the driver will accompany you to Wilson Airport so that you can be flown to other locations, such as Ruma National Park.

When you visit Ruma National Park, your safari guide will also provide you with safety advice. All you have to do to stay safe while exploring the Ruma National Park is to abide by the rules and laws that have been laid down for you. While you are in the park, the safari driver will make care to drive you safely and encourage you to ask him any questions.

Kenya is a popular safari destination since it is secure and popular with both domestic and foreign tourists. Kenya’s tourism business is prosperous, thus the government makes a lot of effort to make the nation’s tourist attractions safer. When making travel arrangements to Kenya, be sure to pick a tour operator who is properly licenced and informed about the country’s tourism industry.

The greatest information on Kenya and much more can be found by contacting Kenya safari tours. Reputable tour operators will always provide you with an update on the security situation in Kenya. To be safe and prepared for everything, please make sure you also pack a first aid kit that can include binoculars, cameras, insect repellents, and malaria medications.

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