5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know
5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know : Wildebeest migration is one of the world’s phenomena as it is the largest migration of wildlife in the world with millions of wildebeests and hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles taking part in this annual migration following an old route. During the wildebeest migration, the journey involves a lot of stages and one of the most exciting one are the river crossings where brave wildebeests, zebras and gazelles cross the rivers which are infested with crocodiles and predators such as lions, leopards, cheetahs and Africa wild dogs along the banks.
As a traveler intending to visit Africa specifically Masai Mara national reserve of Kenya and Serengeti national park of Tanzania, below are the top 5 facts about wildebeest migration you shouldn’t ignore to avoid disappointment.
5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know : wildebeest migration is unpredictable
Wildebeest migration is entirely unpredictable, after the long the rains soaking the ground in April and May. The Serengeti plains spring to life with masses of sweat and delicious green grass. This signals the migrating herds to start moving into the central region of Serengeti, mowing the abundant tender grass along the way.
This is how it works, expect when the rains are late or early. Or of the rains again unexpectedly, some or all of the herds turn back to feast on the fresh new grass.
By June, the migrating herds should be in the central Serengeti and getting ready for their part of their odyssey river crossings which happens about June to August.
Note: Even the wildebeests do not know when they are going to cross
Some herds arrive at the rivers and swim immediately, while others might spend days hanging around grazing and some even arrive and turn back to where they came from.
Our Advice
When it comes to the wildebeest migration and wildebeest river crossing, it is best to plan as much time on the safari as possible as the events are controlled by nature. As Focus East Africa Tours, we have helped thousands of travelers to be able to experience the wildebeest migration in the best possible place at the best time and at the best possible price.
5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know : wildebeest river crossings are popular and mind blowing to witness but not for the Faint Hearted
Wildebeest river crossings are considered to be the highlight of the spectacle with few other sights beating them for the sheer drama and adrenalin value. Trust me, the river crossings will put you on pressure and drive to the edge with numerous thoughts, will crocodiles snatch the courageous wildebeest that leaps in first?, will the animals be able to scramble up the increasingly treacherous and slippery riverbank?, will the weak or injured wildebeests be able to swim across at all?.
Popular perception is the wildebeest are galloping along the speed and just crash in the waters of the rivers following a sort of autopilot herd instinct, however this is not the case at all. Often a herd will reach the river at a casual, leisure pace and then hang out on the banks of the river for days while frustrating the crocs and tourists alike.
No one knows and why the herds suddenly decide to cross but some sort of primeval signal is given, the first intrepid herds will then scuttle down the often very steep sides and rocky riverbanks, as tourists you will naturally be rooting for these forerunners but at the same time you will witness heart – breaking moments too.
During the river crossings, one animal or the other can often break a hind leg trying to climb a bank or lose its precious grip and fall back down onto others, injuring all of them.
All of these make, wildebeest river crossings a true spectacle – the ecstasy and agony of survival, unedited, unfiltered, in raw true life.
Our advice
If you are faint hearted and not prepared or comfortable with watching the animals getting injured or killed by predators, it is better to opt out of the river crossing. On the other hand, for travelers interested in watching the river crossing, it is important to book your safari in a year advance so as to get a lodge or close to the river as possible.
5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know : predators hunt newborns during calving season
The calving season in the Great wildebeest migration usually occurs from February to late March with about 8000 wobbly babies being born on a daily, within 48 hours after birth, these babies can ran as fast their mothers. There are very t0uching scenes of tiny wildebeests speeding along and of zebras nuzzling their foals.
The birth of new calves attracts predators such as lions, cheetahs, leopards and African wild dogs which follow the herds with intensions of feasting on the babies and you are likely to witness action packed scenes of calves being run down by cheetahs or snatched by lions.
The pressures of the predators is one of the reasons to why nearly half a million wildebeest are born so close together, though many become the prey that sustains the prides of lions enough to secure the future of the great herds. The wildebeest migration is the true definition of what circle of life is all about.
Our advice
If you are not prepared and comfortable to witness baby animals getting killed by predators, consider going on a wildebeest migration safari during another time of the year as it is an ever moving journey with various other events that occur throughout the year.
If you are a fun and comfortable with real – life National Geographic scenes, this is the great time to go on a safari. In this period, wobbly young calves learn to run and moms and babies fill the plains as they spend time bonding.
In the calving season, predator action is guaranteed and involves heart- stopping chases. But the predators do not always win as zebras can deliver a kick powerful enough to crack a lionesses’ jaw and wildebeests can out run their hunters.

5 Wildebeest Migration Facts To Know : The “wildebeest” Gnus Don’t Migrate Together in One Big Herd
In the Great migration, over 2 million wildebeests and zebras travel following the rains on a 3000 kilometers journey, however the wildebeests do not travel all together all the time as half of them would of the traveled together.
Wildebeests split into mega herds which consists of thousands and thousands of individuals traveling on slightly different routes in more or less the same direction, after the rutting (mating season) from about April to May, those that did not mate often break away from the others and form their own herds to travel through the central Serengeti.
Herds normally form huge columns – sometimes up to 40 kilometers in length and they can be seen across the plains. Members of the mega-herds can be quiet spread out with the fore runners arriving at a new place sometimes a day or two ahead of the stragglers, these acts as an early warning system for safari guides.
Being in the right place at the right time for the wildebeest migration plays a greater role, this often depends on what exactly you want to see. Here is a guideline with approximate dates for the events
Event | Approximate Time | Place |
Calving (Birthing) Season | February to March | Southern Serengeti |
Rutting (Breeding) Season | April to May | Western & Central Serengeti |
Grumeti River Crossings | May to June | Central Serengeti |
Mara River Crossings | July to August | Northern Serengeti & Masai Mara |
On the Move | November to January | Masai Mara & Northern Serengeti to Southern Serengeti |
Wildebeest Migration Fact #5: It’s Perpetual
To most people , the migration only takes place between July and October but that is not the case, actually the wildebeest migration is a year round movement with various but equally exciting event. The popular river crossing usually coincide with safari’s high season that is June – October, hence the perception that this is the only time of the year to see the wildebeest migration. Although the river crossings are absolutely riveting, they are only a small part of this epic journey.
For more understanding about this natural phenomenon, you may ask “why do wildebeest migrate”, the wildebeest migration is dictated primarily by the wildebeest’s response to the weather. The migration is triggered by the rains and the animals follow their ancient instincts in search of fresh grazing and water, this epic journey takes the wildebeests and other herds across Masai Mara all the way south into Serengeti and to the edge of the Ngorongoro crater, before circling up and around in a clockwise direction.
Our advice
If you want to go on a Migration safari between June and October, it is advised to book early, at least a year in advance as this period is a high season when the popular crossings happen, so lodges and camps fill up fast.