Amboseli National Park weather
Amboseli National Park weather
Amboseli national park weather is one of the factors many travellers consider and search for when planning for his or her safari to Amboseli national park. The park is located near the African highest mountain that is Mt Kilimanjaro of Tanzania. The park is famous with its large herds of African Elephants hence getting its nickname the Home of African Elephants. The weather of Amboseli national park is more contradictable as it is influenced by the great features like Mountains, swamps, woodlands, open savannah and others. The Amboseli national park weather like any other part of Kenya is hot and dry. The temperatures per day are average around 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 15 degrees Celsius during night time. The dry season is always longer than the rainy season.
The rainy seasons are also divided into two the first rains which are longer starting from March to May and the second rains are experienced in November. The long rainy seasons the park experiences heavy rains that rain more during night time than day time. The second rains are very brief and they are not much compared to the first rains. The rainy seasons are always considered to be a green season or low season and the park receives few guests during this time. This is one of the best time to visit the park if you want to enjoy total privacy with fewer crowds during your safari. The dry spells are also divided into two the first ones from June to October which is considered to be the best time to visit Amboseli national park. The second dry season is from December to February which is also considered the peak season.
The dry season is not completely dry as some may think but the park receives some rains though the volume is small and it is scarce. This makes it possible for the rains to rain throughout the year.
The weather in Amboseli national park is moderate and pleasant throughout the year with hot and wet climatic conditions. This type of Weather makes the temperatures at the park always to be uniform throughout the year. The nights and the early mornings are always cold as temperatures drop to an average of 15 degrees Celsius daily. This also affects the type of clothing one should park with when going for the safari in Amboseli national park. During the night and early morning, game drives guests are required to put on long sleeved and heavy clothes. Amboseli national park weather also determines the parking lists for the guests. The rightful parking list makes the guests enjoy their wildlife safari experience irrespective of the season. Always for details of your parking lists read more on our article of parking lists in this website.
The Amboseli national park weather is greatly affected by the peaks of Mt Kilimanjaro. This makes the park to be cold more during night in dry season. The effect of the winds from the mountains makes the park which lies on the dry slopes of the mountain to receive little rains. Its from this that the dusty park got its name Amboseli which is a maasai word which means “salty dust”. The good favourable weather of the park has made it possible for guests to enjoy the best game viewing throughout the year. The Amboseli national park weather has also lead to the creation of five different habitants that make up the park. The five habitants ranges from the dried –up beds of Lake Amboseli to the woodlands bordering Mt Kilimanjaro. Other vegetation habitants include the open savannah woodlands, wetlands, sulphur springs and the dotted woodlands of Acacia trees.
Amboseli national park weather by months
- March to May: This is the long rains that always start from March to May. The weather during this time is wet and sunny, the rains don’t rain all the time but always in the afternoon showers are always expected. The wettest month is April and May and the temperatures are always higher reaching 28 degrees Celsius.
- June to October: This is the dry months of the year, this is considered to be the best time of doing safaris in Amboseli national park. The weather is sunny and dry though the nights are cold with temperatures dropping at night to 15 degrees Celsius. This is when the temperatures are high in the peak from June to October, the game drives are best done during this time.
- November: This is the short wet months of the year when the park receives rainfalls, the rains sometimes begin in late October and gets to its peak in November. The storms are always happening in the afternoon with temperatures rising up always.
December to February
This is the second dry season which is short but very dry, this is the peak season. This is the best time to do game drives in Amboseli. It is much easy to view more wildlife that are seen close to the water pool areas.
Amboseli national park weather is balanced with wet and dry, the temperatures are at average throughout the year. The rainy months are the best birding months as the park receives more migratory birds. Also, the birds are breeding during this time of the year hence making the rainy months the best time for birding in Amboseli national park. The dry months are the excellent time of game viewing, come see the African big game with the dusty Elephants found in large numbers at the park.

The cost of the safari to Amboseli is also affected by the weather in that most lodges give discounted prices during the rainy season hence making it good for budget guests to access the park at affordable rates.
Are you planning for the best or lifetime wildlife experience in Amboseli? Please consider much the weather in the park. This will guide you according to your dream however much the park can be visited throughout the year but its best done during the dry season. For details check out the best time of visiting Amboseli national park.