South and Central Island National Park
South and Central Island National Park
South and Central Island National Park: Absolutely, this island sounds as an Isle of Mystery, covered end to end in volcanic ash, in nighty glow of its south part and there are luminous vents which has inspired numerous tales of ghosts and evil spirits. Furthermore, is a home to both migratory and residents bird life including 34 European migrants of species mostly viewed as they return home between March and May which could be wet season. It also attracts more 23 migratory species that breed from here such as African skimmer, Goliath heron, while Africa open-billed stork, Duck and Gulls feed on the shores and the beauty of volcanic island lakes attracts a lot lesser flamingos. There are also numerous birds of prey like swallow-tailed kites many more. South Island national park is a place worth to a visit for game viewing and proud for its high concentrations of crocodiles.
The central island is positioned within the lake and looks to be a small active volcano with other three alkaline crater lakes namely; tilapia, flamingo and crocodile. This island also boosts with high populations of the Nile crocodiles in the world.
The South Island is located on an island in the southern area of Lake Turkana. Actually it’s the biggest island in the lake raising nearly 3,900ha comprising with rocky shores, muddy bays with extensive bushes and weed from spawning fish. Between 1983 and 1985 the south and central island national park were declared as a UNESCO heritage site respectively managed by the Kenya wildlife service.
Highlight Attraction in South and Central Island National Park
The islands are from the remote Lake Turkana a preserving area for natural wild habitat for both animals and birds. It is covered with vegetation type of spear grass, acacia woodlands, toothbrush as well as weeds growing on the muddy shores and rocky beds.
Crocodile kingdom
This is a famous island due to high concentrations of crocodiles which has been existing over millions ago. Since this island is found on Lake Turkana which estimates 12,000 crocodiles, despite their monstrous size and formidable appearance they generally show that are inoffensive creatures living in peace with their conducive environment and feeding on the lake’s prolific fish.
The World’s largest crocodile nursey
This is hallmark of world’s largest crocodile survival where crocodile do breed on the shores of the island’s crater lakes between April and May. They lay their eggs and burry them deep beneath the sand to escape from the predatory attentions of monitor lizards and raptors. After for a while baby crocodiles can be heard squeaking in their eggs. Their cries can bring their mother parents scurrying to dig them out and carry them down to the water’s edge, where they spend their first months as they grow.
Venomous reptiles and prehistoric fish
Lake Turkana is a place where you can find some of the world’s most venomous reptiles such as saw-scaped viper, night and puff adder and cobra. Many species of fish can be seen here including huge Nile perch and large tilapia. Pufferfish are commonly seen in seawater indicate Turkana’s prehistoric connection to the Red sea water.
Birdlife Hoven
The islands are the best spotting area to a profusion of bird life with over 84 water bird species including 34 species of European migrants and are mostly viewed as they return home between March and May. At least 23 European migrants breed here, like Goliath heron, African skimmer, while African open billed stork, Duck and Gulls feed on the shores and volcanic island lakes attracts notable lesser flamingos. Prey birds are also abundant here, especially swallow-tailes kites.
Getting there
- By Road Transport: This is a three-day drive from Nairobi via Marsabit and North Horr, or take a route to Maralal and South Horr. Another option, travel by road from Nairobi to Kalokol on the lake’s western shores pass via Kitale and Lodwar. You can board a boat from Kaloko boat hire services which are available to Central Island. However, motor boats take travelers to South Island basically for bird watching trips and game viewing many more.
- By Air Transport: To reach Lake Turkana is usually by air and there are two all-weather airstrips. Loiyangalani.
Accommodation/lodging in the park
The park has got comfortable lodging facilities on the eastern shores of the lake and other three classic hotels. Oasis lodge offers motor boats for island tour as well as safari lodging and camping facilities are offered from the Koobi Fora Museum and Research base and Rocodoni camp overlooking Mount Sibiloi. Camping travelers are encouraged to bring private camping gear and supplies.
The Northern part of Kenya is more rewardable during dry and hot but the island parks have cool weather. The best time of the year to visit the park is from October to January which are the driest months while the months of July to August are the cool months in the year.